Eating on SNAP, Week 2

In total cost I over spent a little this week. While I stayed under my SNAP purchase value, I spent extra on non SNAP items. I also spent a little extra money on a few meat things were on sale and I had a coupon for them, so I bought them as they were cheap and things I had been eyeing. I also over spent because Hubby changed the meal plan for Sunday to ribs and I ended up buying ribs vs pulling them from the freezer like I wanted.

This weeks Menu- More along the lines of my normal life 🙂

Sun:  Pork Ribs and Cornbread. Okay they are yummy but so much $$$$. I spent $13 on Cherry Beer and another $7 on Cherry Preserves from Draper Girls, that was needed for the ribs but not a SNAP covered item. I saved a few pennies by picking the cherries off of our trees for the fresh cherry portion of the recipe for the ribs. We enjoyed every bite of the ribs and the Treager baked Cornbread.

Mon: Pulled Pork Nachos. After I had gone shopping my MIL texted in and said lets do dinner. So we ended up doing out for dinner. Thankfully, these ingredients keep well and this was just moved to Friday. 

Tue: Pulled Pork Sliders. In reality this pork came from the pork shoulder my Hubby did awhile a go and that I divided out and froze. An easy meal to make for sure! Reheat pulled pork, add bun, add BBQ sauce, and consume with beer! If you don’t have the pulled pork already made, throw the pork shoulder and some BBQ sauce into the crock pot on low and go to work. When you come home dinner will still be ready 🙂 

Wed: Buffalo Chicken Bread. It was the week for family visits without much warning. My grandfather called me on Tuesday morning and asked to do dinner with us Wednesday night. As he is hardly ever in town, so I said yes. So this meal got moved to another night as it’s a family favorite! 

Thur: Salmon was the original plan for tonight, but I moved the Buffalo Chicken Bread to this night. Yummy buffalo chicken! Another easy recipe that if you control yourself, can give you left overs so you can make your coworkers drool the next day when you eat it at work. 

Fri: Pulled Pork Nachos. Easy Friday night dinner with leftover pulled pork and its a family favorite. 

Sat:Chicken Breast, bread, salad. Hubby marinated the chicken in buttermilk and grilled it up for us. 

Total Cost for the week (updated 7.19.17): $138.73
Fred Meyer SNAP: 92.33
Costco: $10

World Market: $13
Draper Girls: $7

Already on Hand:
Chicken Thigh-2.03
Ground Beef- 1.99
Pork Shoulder-12.38

Extras that I bought:

I bought 2 Cornish hens (Sale and Coupon!) and I am so excited to play with these!!

They also had Colosal EZ Peel Shrimp on sale so I bought a pound and plan on using them in a pad thai mix that I have in the cupboard one of these cooler days when I am tired of BBQ; yes it happens!

ibotta had several rebates on Bob’s Redmill items and I jumped on them! Bob’s Redmill hardly ever has coupons out and I love their variety and the fun flours that they put out and playing with them. While these flours might sit for a bit, they will get played with. I purchased Coconut Flour, an oatmeal cup, and their museli mix.

All in all, decent week. I spent more simple due to the recipes chosen. Hubby doesn’t know I am doing this but it’s of only slight effect on him as this is my “chore”.


7.19.17- I forgot about breakfast. This week Hubby and I were eating Costco Muffins. A the two pack lasts us for about 2 weeks of breakfast including weekends because we split the muffin every morning.

About Tara B.
Hi, I am Tara B. and its great to meet you!! I love to cook, bake, try to stay healthy, and do crafts. I love to explore my area (and the world when life allows), and seek out fun things to do. I am accompanied by Love, Miss GoGo, and the Shadow pup. My adventures in the kitchen can be found at!

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