9 days of Bacheloretteing it

Life sucks some days. Sadly Hubby has been at his job longer and because of this has more vacation time then I do. Which puts us at odds and means he gets to take time off that I can’t 😦 This last week Hubby and Miss GoGo went to Grandma’s house and left the pups and I home alone. I had a Friday night, 2 Saturday, 2 Sundays, and a Mon-Fri to fill with just me, the pups, and the house.

Yes, I was bummed to see my baby leave and be without her for this long, and I missed Hubby. But being mopey wasn’t going to do anything good for anyone especially as I had just gotten a manger role at work. So, I dug deep and found things that I could enjoy while they were way.

  1. I can play my audio books and country music on the sounds system!! Hubby hates country music and audio books so I always turn them off or just play them with headphones in.
  2. I can run the Scentsy non stop! Hubby doesn’t like candles or Scentsy running, so when I do run them I turn them off/blow them out with a little time for the smell to start dispersing before he comes home.
  3. The pups can sleep on the bed and be on the sofa! This is a huge no go for Hubby when he is home, but I break this rule every time he’s gone or I sleep in the other bedroom on my restless nights and when Hubby is sick and won’t stop snoring.
  4. Watch all my chick flicks! Hubby isn’t huge into chick flicks so I don’t get to watch them as much as I want, so I will make up for some lost time 🙂
  5. Eat what I want! Hubby is a Carnivore and Bread Lover. So much so that every dinner has bread products and meat or he gets mopey. With him gone I got to try the funner foods like Raw Carrot Pasta and Shaved Fennel and Tuna salad!

I can also get a whole crap load of things done around the house! With him and her not under foot, mostly Miss GoGo as she wants to help but not take directions, I can just get it done. My list of things includes:

  1. Organize bathroom drawers. The main bathroom has a drawer dedicate to first aid stuff and it’s just gotten messy! I put in organizers and moved some stuff around.
  2. Clean up under the stairs. Sadly, the under-stairs area became a catch all spot for a lot of things including the Christmas stuff. I put away the Christmas stuff, returned the cans, and did some more cleaning.
  3. I also took on what I could of the office. I was forcible told not to touch Hubby’s desk or his garage in my cleaning efforts. I was told to just box things and place them on his desk. So I did.
  4. Mark the tree limbs and light pruning. We have two full grown cherry trees in the yard (came with the house) that needs some TLC. So I marked the big limbs that need to come down, and trimmed off the little limbs.
  5. Wrapping Christmas Present! Think Geek had a sale on Hubby’s Christmas present so I bought it way early, and had some fun wrapping it.. lol 😀

I also embraced my weekend freedom and did some wine tasting 🙂

All in all, I survived